Payers Expect Clearer Demonstration of Health Technology Benefits
Sweden and Finland are leaders in developing and applying health technology and provide ideal environments for conducting Health Technology Assessments (HTA) for medical devices.
Pharma Industry Finland commissioned a report from Medaffcon concerning how effectiveness could be assessed in seven specific pre-agreed national diseases. Based on the report, there are already good disease-specific and general measurement tools for effectiveness assessment, but their use in general healthcare is still rare and unsystematic. In the future, new information systems, data-mining and quality registers enable the assessment of treatment effectiveness in a whole new manner, which should constitute a part of a good future healthcare system.
Read below the media release of Pharma Industry Finland on the topic and request the report produced by Medaffcon from
Media release 26 June 2017
Pharma Industry wants to participate in the discussion on the indicators for treatment effectiveness – topical in the social and healthcare reform – with its own proposal. Pharma Indstury brings up the indicators with which the effectiveness of medicinal and other treatment of different diseases could be measured. The indicators have been constructed by research and expert organisation Medaffcon Oy.
Pharma Indstury contributes to the public debate on the indicators with which the effectiveness of medicinal and other treatment of different diseases could be measured. The need to assess the effectiveness of services has been strongly present in the social and healthcare reform. Suitable indicators are central in improving service quality and effectiveness.
“The effectiveness of medicinal treatment should be assessed as part of other treatment of a disease, not separately”, stated Sirpa Rinta, Director for pharmaceutical policy at Pharma Industry Finland. “Treatment effectiveness can no longer be measured with long studies lasting for years. Measurement tools can be built into healthcare information systems, which fairly quickly provide information for treatment monitoring, effectiveness and decision-making.”
The indicators have been constructed by research and expert organisation Medaffcon Oy. The work has been done in cooperation with actors and clinical experts in the field.
The measurement tool has been created for seven diseases central to public health: pulmonary cancer, type 2 diabetes, coronary disease, cerebral apoplexy, depression, Alzheimer and inflammatory bowel diseases. The information needed for the indicators is easily and quickly accessible. “The indicators have been selected so that treatment results can be assessed with agility”, described Lasse Oinonen, Project Manager at Medaffcon.
Effectiveness should be followed and analysed to enable the correct allocation of money. The treatment of a disease, however, should be assessed with different indicators than the effectiveness of the social and healthcare service system. Effectiveness indicators are being constructed in Finland as part of the social and healthcare reform and Medicines Policy 2020 programme.
“There is also international demand for effectiveness studies. Finland has an excellent opportunity to respond to this demand. We have good patient data systems, which store a lot of data on patient treatment”, reminded Sirpa Rinta. It will be easier to conduct effectiveness studies in the future, as the legislation on the secondary use of register date is reformed.
More information
Sirpa Rinta, Director
p. 09 6150 4909
Lasse Oinonen, Sr. Scientific Project Manager
Medaffcon Oy
p. 040 1242 585
Sweden and Finland are leaders in developing and applying health technology and provide ideal environments for conducting Health Technology Assessments (HTA) for medical devices.
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“Renewable drug therapy challenges the current complex drug evaluation system,” states Lauri Pelkonen, a leading expert at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STM). For this reason, the evaluation activity is being reformed to better respond to changes in the operating environment.