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Multiregister study in monitoring the burden of genital warts in Finland - Monirekisteritutkimuksella päivitettyä tietoa kondylooman tautitaakasta Suomessa

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Multiregister study in monitoring the burden of sexually transmitted diseases in Finland

Finnish national health data registers are valuable information sources to the management of infectious diseases that are not monitored under the infectious disease legislation and reported to the National Infectious Diseases Register. Our first national multiregister study on sexually transmitted diseases provides important information on the burden of genital warts (GWs) in Finland. Compared to previous data, the prevalence and direct treatment costs of GWs were high. The study was carried out by the experts at Medaffcon, MSD, and Helsinki University Hospital, Finland.

GWs, caused by a human papilloma virus, are highly contagious lesions and represent one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. GWs is a significant health problem from the perspective of both patients and healthcare. Infectious diseases monitored under the infectious disease legislation in Finland do not include GWs. Thus, comprehensive up-to-date information on the prevalence and the burden of GWs in the various Finnish healthcare sectors is not directly available.

The present study utilized data linked from several national health data registers and evaluated the prevalence, healthcare resource use, and direct treatment costs of GWs in Finland in 2018. Data on public healthcare contacts, procedures in private care, and outpatient prescription medications were extracted for the individuals with a GW diagnosis recorded in public healthcare and/or a GW medication purchase. The Finnish Social and Health Data Permit Authority Findata granted statistical data utilized in the study.

Our study showed that approximately 12 000 individuals were treated for GWs in Finland in 2018. Less than half of GW diagnoses were recorded in public healthcare registers. The estimated direct treatment costs in 2018 were 2.6 M€. The costs were considerably high when compared to the previous estimation, 2.0 M€, for the years 2000–2014. These results are valuable to the management of GWs in Finland. Comprehensive recordings of GW diagnoses are important in the estimation of the actual disease burden.

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